(dated August 27, 2020)

P1. Information Collected

We do not collect any information about Users of other than information Users may choose to submit using forms provided on the site. The information Users submit via the forms on is generally anticipated to be limited to basic contact details submitted by Users interested in being contacted further by means of other communication channels.

P2. Optionality of Users' Use of Site and Submission Forms

Users use of the forms on is entirely voluntary. Additionally, telephone, email, and postal mail contact options are available to any User who do not wish to utilize the forms provided on the Site. is a brochure, not a business. No party is obligated to use for any purpose, nor does any party need to use to conduct any business, including leasing, with Marino Equity Partners.

P2. Information Submitted By Users

Users are requested to limit the information they submit to us to such minimum of information as is necessary to communicate User's message and facilitate our return communication to User. As stipulated in the Terms of Use, Users agree not submit any sensitive, proprietary, compromising, or illegal information, content, or materials.

P3. Minimization of Automated/Structural Data Collection

Marino Equity Partners does not employ website analytics, social media links, or social media tracking pixels on We believe avoidance of these technologies offers Site Users a significantly greater level of privacy than typical users of modern websites generally have reason to expect and effectively limits the data Users share with Marino Equity Partners to such information as Users voluntarily submit through deliberate action; however, the commercial technology providers we use to build and host the Site, as well as those we use for email, telephony, digital collaboration, record keeping, and data management likely employ tracking technologies within their own systems the exact nature and scope of which is not known to us. It is possible, though not anticipated, that future changes in the services our technology providers provide us may make available to us information they have previously collected about Users or that subsequent to such changes a greater range of information about Users will be available to us than we explicitly desire to collect.

P4. Technology Providers' Access

The various technology providers we use in connection with the Site are presumed to have varying degrees of access to data transmitted and/or accessible by and/or through the Site pursuant to their systems and governed by their respective privacy policies. Given most, if not all, providers also use third party services in the conduct of their business it is not feasible to identify all the providers, custodians, privacy policies, terms of use, data processing agreements, and jurisdictions to which your use of the Site may expose greater than 0 bytes of data about Users.

Setting aside the great, looping, layered, tangled web that is modern data privacy, custody and security, the following providers(whom we believe to be reputable), are specifically relevant to the services we use to provide, or in connection with our operation of the Site:

GoDaddy (GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC, and/or its subsidiaries)

As may or may not be applicable, the policies and agreements at:

FastMail (Fastmail Pty Ltd and/or its subsidiaries/affiliates)
As may or may not be applicable, the policies and agreements at:

Front (, inc. and/or its subsidiaries/affiliates)

As may or may not be applicable, the policies and agreements linked at:

Webflow (, inc. and/or its subsidiaries/affiliates)

As may or may not be applicable, the policies and agreements linked at:

Additionally, given the pervasiveness of their technologies, the following companies likely have more than 0 bytes of access to data associated with the Site, either as subcontractors to the above providers, providers of hardware or network services we use, or as widespread providers of network services and architecture generally: Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, AT&T, Amazon, Atlassian, SalesForce, and God only knows who all else.

P5. Cookies

Cookies are small files placed on user devices when they visit a website. should operate cookie-free for typical Users unless a User visits password protected pages. For Users who interact with password protected pages, an authorization token cookie will be placed on User's device for the purpose of confirming successful entry of a valid password. We do not use cookies to gather information about Users or User interaction with

P6. Our Use and Retention of Information Collected

We will use the information collected for the purpose of communicating with Users. We will not sell or rent User contact information to third parties. We may send marketing communications by mail or email to users. If any User requests exclusion from marketing communications, we will endeavor to timely exclude such User from marketing lists used for subsequent communications, though may not be able to remove such User from any mailings which are already in process at the time of such request.

P7. Use and Retention of Information By Third Party Leasing Agents

Some properties presented on may be subject to listing agreements with various third party leasing agents("Agent Listed Properties" or "ALP"). In the event any User inquires about any ALP during the period in which a relevant listing agreement is in force we are obliged to share such inquiries with the relevant leasing agent(s). We expect any leasing agent we work with will handle such information in a professional manner, but it is neither commercially reasonable, nor feasible, for us to attempt to inspect, audit, police, or enforce the data handling practices of third party leasing agents. Any User submitting an inquiry about any ALP agrees to our sharing their inquiry and contact information with relevant leasing agent(s).

P8. Purpose of Site and Information Collected Thereby

The purpose of is to serve as an informational portal to attract interest from qualified prospective commercial tenants("QPCT") in leasing of commercial properties we own, and/or manage, and/or otherwise control.

P9. Seniority of Subsequent Business Relationships

Subsequent to our commencement of communications and negotiations with any QPCT User to the ends described in the preceding paragraph, they shall be considered a Commercial Counterparty and their status as a User of shall be trivial and subordinate to their relationship with us as a Commercial Counterparty. Our communications and negotiations with Commercial Counterparties, including information initially received by us through, will become part of permanent business records, which records may be stored by physical or electronic means, or both. No Commercial Counterparty shall be entitled to demand the destruction, deletion, or modification of our permanent business records on the basis of this Privacy Policy, nor upon their prior or future capacity as a User of

P10. Deletion/Removal of Submitted Information

In the event a User, who has not transitioned into the capacity of Commercial Counterparty as described above, requests us delete the information same User has submitted to us via, we will use reasonable effort to remove said information from our active records in timely fashion. Copies of said information may continue to exist in our archives and/or backups.

P11. State Privacy Rights

Various States grant Users specific privacy rights which may differ from or exceed the rights granted to Users by other States. We believe the extremely limited scope of information gathering conducted via the Site; coupled with the fact we do not sell or rent information to third parties for any purpose, marketing or otherwise, and otherwise share information with third parties only in the context of their capacity as our technology providers/subprocessors; meets or exceeds the privacy standards of all 50 States. Nevertheless, any User wishing to exercise any specific privacy right granted them by their State of residence may do so by communicating their instructions to us by mail pursuant to the notice provisions of the Terms of Use, unless their State specifically permits them to communicate their privacy instructions without cost, in which case Users may communicate their instructions via email to

Nevada Users: While we do not sell your information, and do not intend ever to do so, you may instruct us not to sell your information in the future by emailing us at with your name, postal address, telephone number and email address with “Nevada Do Not Sell” in the subject line.

California Users: California Law entitles California Users to request information concerning whether we have disclosed certain information about Users to any third parties for the third parties' direct marketing purposes. California Users may request such disclosure by emailing us at with "California User Information Sharing Disclosure Request" in the subject line. California Users may explicitly opt out of any future sharing by us of their information by emailing us at with "California Third Party Sharing Opt Out" in the subject line.

While we in no way wish to discourage Users from exercising their State privacy rights, we feel compelled by common sense to observe that, given the very limited scope of information we collect via the Site, Users seeking to exercise their State privacy rights will, in most cases, need to include in their communication to us seeking to exercise such rights more information than we otherwise collect or retain from or about Users of the Site.